Fresh Wind Revival Centre
Connecting people to the life-changing presence of God.

Small groups for you to be part of!!

This is a great way to build community and deep friendships as you get together each week with a small group of people to fellowship, dig into the Word of God together and pray together. We want to see everyone who calls this church their home in a small group.

This small group meets Tuesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. in our lower fellowship hall. Brenda Deyell is the group leader. Call 519-357-1340 if you are interested in being a part of this group.

This small group meets Tuesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. upstairs in our worship centre. Fred and Linda Dougty are the group leaders. Call 519-357-1340 if you are interested in being a part. 

This small group is taking a break for the summer.